Comments : Wasted Efforts

  • 11 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    To me, when I read this - I thought of a girl giving up her baby for adoption. Whatever intended, this poem is good, and it makes you think deeply. I don't know why I feel like I can't say much about this. It really is just grasping hold of my heart and shutting my mouth. And once you get to know me, you'll learn that my inability to comment properly on a piece is a rare thing, because I guarantee you, I'll flip out and freak over some of your other stuff, but this, I just can't do.

    Because of your ability to render me speechless, and the depth of this, I gave it a nomination.

    Really, this is a fabulous write, I can't stress that enough. I hope everyone who has me favorited sees this comment and reads this poem. Seriously, I'll will do everything I can to expose this piece. I'm totally in love.

    Absolutely amazing - and this piece is in my favorites!

    • 11 years ago

      by Lemon

      Thank you, you've just made my day ^.^. I wanted to leave the meaning of this quite open to interpretation, I'm glad you found your own meaning to it :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I interpret this as a single mother working hard, maybe sacrificing her own dreams so her child can have a better future, so that they can accomplish their dreams. It's what being a good parent is.

    Amazing write!

    • 11 years ago

      by Lemon

      Thank you :)

  • 11 years ago

    by JaneDoeWrites

    "Holding onto every collapsing hope
    Her ambitions bursting like dandelion puffs"

    This line here rang magical, this was a fantastic piece. This poem reminded me of my mom, it really stirs up a lot of personal emotions, which is always a great quality in writing.

  • 11 years ago

    by JaneDoeWrites

    "Holding onto every collapsing hope
    Her ambitions bursting like dandelion puffs"

    This line here rang magical, this was a fantastic piece. This poem reminded me of my mom, it really stirs up a lot of personal emotions, which is always a great quality in writing.

  • 11 years ago

    by JaneDoeWrites

    "Holding onto every collapsing hope
    Her ambitions bursting like dandelion puffs"

    This line here rang magical, this was a fantastic piece. This poem reminded me of my mom, it really stirs up a lot of personal emotions, which is always a great quality in writing.

  • 11 years ago

    by JaneDoeWrites

    "Holding onto every collapsing hope
    Her ambitions bursting like dandelion puffs"

    This line here rang magical, this was a fantastic piece. This poem reminded me of my mom, it really stirs up a lot of personal emotions, which is always a great quality in writing.

  • 11 years ago

    by TSI25

    This is an interesting piece with a perceivably strong female protagonist. how admirable is the soul that works hard, and how saddening when hard work goes unrewarded.

    from the very beginning this poem has a bittersweet hopefulness; "dreams bigger than she'll ever have" and it culminates on a despondent note at the end "waiting for a future that belongs to someone else."

    i find myself wondering, though, who that some one else is. is it the moocher, content to steal the accomplishments of others... or a synthetic machination of the self...

    is all my waking effort in pursuit of sating a version of myself that is not truly me...

    very thought provoking, and very powerful for a short piece. well done.