Comments : Undefeatable

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Sometimes breaking out of our rhythm is what we need to do, seeing ourselves in a different way, becoming something more than just people, being a role model, being together with someone that makes us feel just a little bit better, no matter how different we are or feel.

    I love the way you worded this, it felt very caught up, like there was some other thing that needed to be said, and you managed to get yourself in there, make yourself heard...I love the breaks in it, and how the words made sense at the end...that was brilliant

    You've a really great way of writing, this was something really emotive, and I get you, you got it, you're awesome.


    • 11 years ago

      by ah satan 666

      This was very different for me...

      My situation is very different for me, but I absolutely adore this guy, and he has two beautiful, amazing children...

      Who are his heart and soul...

      I'm happy :D

      Thank you Tara xx

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, this is extremely powerful, I liked reading it, wonderful poem, so much emotion, spoke out to me very much :)!

  • 11 years ago

    by Wild Flower

    I love your style of writing, I feel its diffeent and you convey the message to the reader in a differnt way as well. I so love this poem, if I had the ability to nominate it, it would've been already nominated:)
    Awesome poem!!!

    • 11 years ago

      by ah satan 666

      Lol... bless you...

      Who'd have thought the devil actually has a heart... lmao!!!

      Thank you Flower Girl <3

  • 11 years ago

    by Amreen

    Wonderful! Just loved the way you tried to give the entire poem a nutshell meaning between the verses.

    Keep writing:)

  • 11 years ago

    by Lifesbreath

    Love this! Wonderful piece :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I love the form you have chosen to use with this, it's unique and really makes the poem pop with originality. :)

    He has became your healer... the person to pick up the pieces you've had laying around and piece them slowly back together. Such a lovely write.

    The ending is my favorite! ..especially the last line "as our status quo becomes "We" very nice. <3

  • 11 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    Aw, Natasha, this is so cute :D It's not the like deep lovey-dovey love poems. It's simple, and it's sweet, and fun.

    This is like "I have a crush. I want to nom his face, but I'll never say it." in the first stanza. I like that you recognize you're in denial. Most deny that they're in denial. That was adorbs.

    The feeling of the rest of the poem, is basically you are unintentionally letting him in. It's against your will. He totally melts you, and you're like putty in his hands. It's so cuuuteeeee.

    I love the ending. "our status quo becomes "We"." That was creative, and just agh, so cute. Here's the word cute like ten more times. CUTECUTECUTECUTECUTECUTE.

    Nice write!

  • 11 years ago

    by Jyoti Rawat

    I like the way u.write.
    Nice poem.

  • 11 years ago

    by Lemon

    I love the "kindness is my weakness" contradicting the poem name, I also think it's super creative :). It must be hard, someone getting through your armour which you spend a long time building up, like piercing the weak spot with Cupid's arrow haha :). You can see that they are breaking past the wall yet you can't do anything about it- and can't quite bring yourself to really want it to stop either. Great poem :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Liz

    Love the Undefeatable vs. the Weakness. :)
    I'd have to say, for me, the part that really jumped at me was the last stanza.

    "My chrysalis, you've devoured,
    as your actions set me free..."

    I can totally picture the chrysalis being "destroyed" and the butterflies in your tummy being set free! Love the feeling and love the way you worded this. Awesome :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    "I was very surprised that I found myself enjoying this poem as I read through it, as I'm usually not one for rhyme as I believe it hinders a poet's ability to express themselves freely at times. That being said, I found I really enjoyed this poem. The emotion was there and though I see the author placed this in miscellaneous I found myself thinking on how we feel when we first meet someone new and begin to realise that we are slowly falling in love with them and that they are opening up our hearts once more which is such a beautiful feeling and priceless time in our lives. I noticed a couple of grammar errors that need to be fixed such as capitalising "I"'s, warth-warmth? and Your healing-you're. My only nitpick I have about this is that I found some of the rhyming fell into the cliche category such as tight/fight we/free. other than that I enjoyed this and I also liked the small sentence in brackets. "

  • 11 years ago

    by LQQK
