Mob Mentality

by Michael D Nalley   May 7, 2013

He shot at watchdogs to take their jobs

Now he is followed by several mobs

Some support him, some don't

Some report what others won't

Sometimes we remember out of sequence

For every decision has a consequence

Follow retreat, meet, and defeat

A Kel Tek 9 is hard to beat.


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  • 11 years ago

    by L

    Okay, my first thoughts are that some rhymes were used to just rhyme... But then I am in a dilemma, I am not so sure anymore.

    Sometimes we remember out of sequence

    ^^ this line sounds strange, but I think it says that we remember randomly without any order. However, I can't seem to tied it up with the previous line.

    And also I thought the first lines upto the one using sequence were good, they semi explain a mob's mentality...
    The ending I am not sure what that is lol but I'm assuming is a gun so I can see some relation with the title, they might think with that one they won't be defeated..
    I'm not sure sorry, I feel it needs just a bit more info or I need to gather more knowledge about mob's mentality to completely see what the poem is trying to say.

    But what I truly like about the poem is that it reads smoothly.

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    Okay, this one I can follow a little bit least I think so. I could be totally wrong with my interpretation. If not, at least I tried! Haha

    I love the title, Mob Mentality ... so I'm assuming this is someone who wants to be in the mob, take over ... or he wants to defeat them totally.

    I like the mention of "some report what others won't" ... it shows the fear factor that the Mob can have on some people...they are too afraid to be tracked down for what they know. You captured that very well here.

    While reading this, I also thought this may have been a political poem/message. So, idk it goes either way... some poems are coded, lol...what's nice about them, though.

    I didn't know what a Kel Tek 9 was... don't laugh at I googled and saw it was a gun so that fit perfectly...and yep, definitely hard to beat! lol

    Nice poem, Michael!

  • 11 years ago

    by xXxMidnight SoulxXx

    Lol this both made me laugh and made me love the poem! :) i love the rhyming with each pair lines and i love how it just flowed beautifuly! also i gotta say that i LOVE i really do love it since that's sad but true lol 5/5

    Queen Ashlin

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