Burn After Reading

by Unknown   May 9, 2013

I wish I could blow kisses
onto anemic papered lines -
they could express my
heart's thirst better than
any words my mouth could
bashfully render.

My masquerading soul
quietly unveils,
encouraging fragments of
the past to disappear.

Buried deep within
paper thin lungs -
I murmur my
clinching signature...

P.S. Burn After Reading

Copyright 2013: Hannah K.


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  • 11 years ago

    by xXxMidnight SoulxXx

    Nice this poem made me smile since the only reason i know what the heck "anemic" means is that i am anemic myself and it made me smile that what a thing would stand as a bad thing would be used to describe beauty and the other part that i totally loved in this poem that i love is the second stanza since that's pretty much me at times and again i gotta say i LOVE this poem! :) 5/5 from me


  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Sometimes we feel the need to burn our thoughts, and writing is a release of those thoughts, so to burn our words means that those thoughts die a little, whether this really could be true, I am not sure, I never tried it, but I do screw up some poems that I feel weren't that good, not a representation of what I'm feeling but never burnt them...

    I liked this, then flow was smooth and transitional, and the wording was powerful, and very natural.

    Great piece...

  • 11 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Superb Hannah!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    I love that line!...burning is actually a form a therapy....to release memories, pain, anger, etc, therapists recommend for their patients to write things down and burn it after writing it...or after someone reads it.....i have never lit paper to fire, however I have thrown it away or crumbled it and it did feel good....

    love the wording here a again, it created a really pretty flow. well done!

  • 11 years ago

    by Sherwin Talapian

    Very well written it convey a lot of emotion it expresses a lot... 3 stanza a lot of strong and powerful lines on it...