Never Ending Pain

by StormyStar   May 11, 2013

My hearts bleeding,
Numbness is real,
My eyes seeing,
Im unable to feel.

I cant breathe
My chest is in pain
Everyone sees
No one calls my name

Hallowed inside
There no screams
I already died
Dismal dreams.

My souls not bright
Its faded away
Like a crow takes flight
It flies all day.

My hearts an abyss
There is emptiness
Im used to this
Never happiness


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Wow this sad poem i felt alot of emotion go into this piece the second stanza is powerful

    I cant breathe
    my chest is in pain
    everyone sees
    noone calls my name

    that is truly sad you talking about being in pain and people see you but they don't care ive talked to you a few times but i feel that you are a nice and caring person i loved this peace&love midnight sky

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This took my breath away as it brought a tear to my eye(s), oh this is truly so sad! So heartbreaking, and you expressed your dying emotion perfectly, two thumbs up and HUGS!!!