Comments : Files

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I'm always am so fond of your opening lines! It's a personification that is bold and factual, and makes me wonder if everything of my life is stored there.

    Wow, I was not expecting the part about the burden, that was so interesting, and I feel like this is such a strong comparison to a person who literally took tons of energy from you and possibly used you. I definitely feel like when being with someone, we can easily, in a second, take on their worries and insecurities, especially if they constantly talk to us about their problems. We are surrounded by them and eventually can store it up in our minds and have it become part of our daily thoughts.

    "I relied on you,
    which is all my fault because relying on a person to bring
    you happiness is like expecting it to never rain-
    while residing in Seattle."

    - Loved the irony here and there is a tone of edge here. I think when trust is broken or some event has happened that has caused separation, we regret ever telling a person all our secrets or something person such as our biggest fear. We have to have a good balance to not have too high expectations with the next person yet not blindly give away ourselves.

    Hope you're okay, there's a lot of angst here and I'm glad you could, hopefully, let your frustration out here. I know writing is a good outlet for that for sure!

    The ending was such a slam! I wanted to pump my fist in the air! While I would probably prefer to forget the past, or just throw away any reminder, you want to keep it on file, hence the filing cabinet and you give your purpose at the end, to see if he will come back or leave your heart dismayed and in a mess.

    Powerful write that had lots of emotions building up!

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I've read this a few times now, and just now have the words to be able to leave somewhat of a decent comment. I'm in love, you're words always do me this way!

    First stanza: Don't make fun of me, but this stanza reminds me of an episode from Spongebob, lmfao. The one where he has all his lil clones looking through file cabinets in his brain for his name or something like that, lol. Idk why... I'm weird.

    But you used this metaphor flawlessly. Our brain pretty much is a filing cabinet, keeping records of everything we care about, even things we don't care about. I love the line about the empty folder containing hope... that ripped my heart out!

    Second stanza: Your cabinet is full with the workload, the sorting through files... of that person. That person is everywhere and it's hard to file "you" in just one folder. It's hard to shred or throw it out because you like to keep record... but the belt is about to lose strength and make you fall under pressure.

    Third stanza: They are a burden, they radiate the total opposite of happiness. They drain the life out of you with their wants/needs/desires... I love the metaphor of rain and Seattle! Nice touch there, it's not a hidden metaphor that tangles within and can be confusing, it's one that everyone can understand.

    Fourth stanza: The reader can feel the sarcasm, hurt and anger here. You 'assume' you are wanted by their words, but their actions speak differently.

    Fifth stanza: This one ties in great with the first stanza, talking about what is within these files ... the relationship. Mostly confusion because they say one thing and do another.

    Ending: You always have the best beginnings and endings! Ahhh. I love how you added 'confidential' and how it would be under lock and key until they decided to finish their case... which was playing you. </3

    Added to my favorites!

  • 11 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    Reminds me of your song!

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Congrats on the win girl!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Karla

    Chels, I am very fond of your writing. They have this magical touch that is necessary in poetry. Gorgeous piece.

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    "I adore the personification in this, it's something I haven't seen used before and that makes this unique and different for me. I thought the first verse was very strong, emotionally, as it's relate-able to so many people and it makes me think on how almost everyone will have something locked away somewhere that is written about them, be it something positive or negative and it's something we rarely, if ever, think about. "anything that decreases my energy and declines me a reason to smile is a reminder of you" I thought this captured the loss and pain that pertains to a break up very well, and it's something I'm sure we have all felt at one time or another. I thought the "ha" was done well, it adds a touch of mockery and sarcasm and yet it is still so incredibly bittersweet because of what it then goes on to refer to. Adore the closing, again I find it bittersweet. To me, it makes me think that you still love this person you are talking to and that should they decide they want you again you know you'll end up giving them another chance even though deep down you also know they don't deserve it and that you shouldn't. Beautiful work as always from you, Chelsey. "

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Judge Comment:

    I do love and admire Chelsey's unique and creative style when it comes to Metaphoric poems.

    This piece was so darn creative and stylish-

    The mind and heart are definitely a filing cabinet, holding all the times, dates and facts.. great opening stanza!

    Belt and buckle named after the person she writes of made me chuckle a bit, but also touches my heart.. for isn't this the truth? All readers can relate to this stanza- That is what grabs me most with this poem is because it is so relatable to the reader and yet tied into a powerful and explosive metaphor!

    The ending says it all.... powerful ending to a wonderful and creative poem.. well done!!