
by Autumn Leaves   May 13, 2013

Tears started merging
from a lonely place.
Sadness rose inside of
me, like the sun at the
dawn of day.

How I wanted to collect
you together, and assure
you that things would
be OKAY.

I pray for you more than
I pray for myself. I breathe
for you, yet you only breathe
when you're away.

My life lack meaning if you're
not needing me, so use my love
to build a home made of
resinous tree. And when the
rain start falling you'll be able
to swell with courage, from
the loves that lives in me.

I'm crying as this pen
manipulate my paper with
ink. In-scripting all the
moments we once shared
into this bleeding heart.

Bleeding inside because we
were meant to be. Bleeding
because you don't have the
courage to lead me.

Tears are merging from a
lonely place, and I am falling
like the moon at the start of


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  • 11 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Really nice....I like it:)

  • 11 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    Wow, very deep and emotional. i love it

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    Oh, Shante! I've missed you, where have you been hiding? :P

    So, this piece broke my heart... the yearning for love from this person is so evident...but it seems they don't care. :( It's a terrible feeling to love someone and they don't return it. </3

    "I pray for you more than
    I pray for myself. I breathe
    for you, yet you only breathe
    when you're away."

    ^When you pray for someone more than you do yourself, you know you would put your life on the line for them. You truly do love and care about this person more than life itself.

    You can only breathe easily when they are around, yet it seems they can only breathe when they are away... to me, this sounds like the person feels smothered or it could even be stress of being in the situation of a bad relationship. I know when I'm stressed, I want to be alone... I want to be able to think clearly, so I think that's what I think you meant here.

    "My life lack meaning if you're
    not needing me, so use my love
    to build a home make of
    resinous tree.And when the
    rain start falling you'll be able
    to swell with courage, from
    the loves that lives in me."

    ^Favorite stanza here! I love the mention of the resinous tree! Ahhh, to be able to piece it back together as one. Lovelovelove.

    Overall, a tear-jerking piece...love it all throughout. I do agree with a few of the minor typos that Michael mentioned, though. But no biggie. :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Amreen

    Truly Heart-breaking!
    Nice flow and flawless to me. Very touching and emotional.

    Keep penning:)

  • 11 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I really like this poem and the concept
    Sadness rising like the sun to me was another way of saying your mind natural sought the meaning of your sorrow
    My life lack meaning if you're
    not needing me, so use my love
    to build a home make of
    I most likely would not have stumbled on this stanza if it was written
    My life (lacks) meaning if you're
    not needing me, so use my love
    to build a home (made) of...
    just a suggestion . I will have to give it a 5 for the meaning behind it

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