Comments : Your Most Treasured

  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    The repetition here was quite effective.

    'Even though the stoplight is turning yellow'
    ^I loved this part, it was so unique I thought. Though me personally, would have probably used red instead of yellow. Yellow is moreso a caution whereas red is a complete stop, running red lights are much more dangerous and thus you would go the extra mile for them, putting yourself in the line of danger just to see them so they could see your smile.

    I think the mentioning of smile, eyes, and heart were moreso on the generic side, yet at the same time really that's just what we love when we're with someone. However the name was perfect. I so understand how amazing it is to have your lover say your name. They do indeed fall in love with saying it. 'Soulful parts that make me Me' yesss. Our name certainly speaks much of who we are as a person.

    This is beautiful & quite dreamy. Well done! :)