Comments : Library Blues

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I love going to the library, I get lost in the books...makes me feel alive...and how you can escape for a while.
    But I hate how technology has taken over, with the kindle...libraries are getting more and more empty and the machines they have now to check in and out books, I mean...people do still need jobs...all the librarian does it sit there, like doing nothing!!! Really annoys know

    I love this piece though, so real, so true

  • 11 years ago

    by Piogga

    This poem transported me to where you were. It's not just the imagery but the quiet little sounds that were scattered throughout and described so distinctly. It's different because the library in my school is quite the opposite. It's usually packed with people. However, the meaning/purpose of the library is misconstrued as it's now used as a place to chatter or hang out (where Im from at least). The technology part seems somewhat universal though that's why I absolutely love it whenever our librarian uses the typewriter. The sound is relaxing, I find. The beeping on the other hand is just hair-raising. Reminds me of the hospital.

  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Another one of those poems that are unique. I loved how you said sounds make black holes, really emphasizes silence. Your descriptions describe the atmposhere all too well! The technology part at the end was a bit of a surprise. I guess I see it as you don't care to be doing what you're doing, you'd rather actually be using the library for what it's worth, reading? Interesting spin on the end there. Once again a nice poem :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I love libraries, I could live in one and be completely content! I'd hole up in a corner with stacks of hoarded books that I would read through within a week! lol

    I love the imagery throughout talking about the muggy air, black holes and even the automated beeping while checking out. Libraries aren't the same anymore because they are filled with computers with people typing up a storm, it's distracting for me honestly. I like total silence when I read.

    I'm afraid libraries will be a thing of the past, like Tara Kay said...the Kindle is taking over. I have a Kindle, but I still buy books lol. My boyfriend makes fun of me for it, but there is just something about holding a book and turning the page... instead of just scrolling over on a tablet.

    "I came here to listen to
    the keys of a hidden kingdom
    ink their way through me in
    undected rhythms,"

    -Love this part so much; but did you mean for 'undected' to be 'undetected' ?? or something else like that. Just thought I'd point it out for you, just a small typo. :)

    I completely love this, oh and I forgot to mention the title! LOVE IT... it shows the sadness you are portraying seeing how much a library has changed, no longer just a sanctuary for books.