Angelic Innocence

by Daylight Lucidity & xXxMidnight SoulxXx   May 21, 2013

Hiding herself from the prodding eyes of the declaration of sin,
Her heart beats for one who must remain nameless
Terrified she'll turn away and take with her the sun
Guilt free and shameless.

She'd stay hidden, she'd be a lost queen,
The moon goddess she'll be,
Loving her Summer love,
From afar,

Demons swirling around her eyes, tainting the beauty
Which stands before her, tempting her most buried desire
Making her answer her heart's questions truthfully
Whether or not she'll fall before the woman she so desperately loves

She could tempt a saint insane,
Her lips could make a criminal love,
A virgin to be her lover,
Ah the sweet temptation!

Passion pounding behind her ribs
Making her lips sizzle in want
For the touch of her love's soft lips
And yearning for them to caress her own

She knew her beloved was
Looking underneath her eyes,
She prays this will be the night,

The night when two become one,
Not only physically, but spiritually
As she whispers, "darling, I've waited long enough
Please, I beg of you, come to me."

She came to the pleading woman with the sweetest of smiles
The taste of her lips as delicious as she anticipated
Her arms wound around her lover so tight for such a long while
And the love was so much better as it simmered and waited.

Swimming in the pools of each other's eyes
Drenched in kisses of delight and happiness
And to keep their love silenced, they had to fight to hide
Blissfully embracing their angelic innocence.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is truly a sensual write! but also sad since they have to hide their love.

    Very nice collab!!

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    That first line sucked me in and then I was hooked for the rest of the poem, incredible writing you guys, I loved every single line of it, outstanding poem!!! One of my favorites for sure: )!

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I'm gonna read it again, love it that much :)