Set Sail

by Ares   May 22, 2013

You were crafted by a dream.
The dream of a young boy coming to terms,
With what would be his life-long journey.

Soft and featherlike, yet tricky as rocky shores.
This reality behaves like troublesome waters,
And my ship is out of control.

In the dream I had no issues finding you;
you appeared shining and in bold, capital letters.
At first glance I saw just how perfect a fit you are.

But in the waters, where the current pulls and tugs,
I will admit to my lackluster persistance and investigation.
I simply do not know if I should be dropping my anker.

Oh dream, how I loathe you sometimes, how I hate you.
You have clearly thrown me in to a fog of mind and body.
For I have not a clue to where I should keep my true bearings.

Dear Dream; play once again, let me see her face.
I know she will be in the waters somewhere,
Just show me where to set sail.


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Latest Comments

  • 9 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    Wow! Great write!

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    Although the whole ocean/sailing metaphor has been done numerous times, you made it your own within a dream. I really like this. :)

    I love the ending! A short letter to your dreams asking them to hit replay so you can see her face... you know she is in the water but unknown of her exact location, so you wish to set sail towards finding her.

    Beautiful. <3

  • 11 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    Really good write people can relate to!