Comments : Dreams

  • 11 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    "Maybe dreams should be feelings and
    not money makers."

    ^That line made me nominate this poem. So many "dreams" are get rich quick, be financially set, wish for a lavish vacation, house on the islands, fancy car - everyone forgets about love, happiness, and faith.

    I completely love this. Straight into my faves.

  • 11 years ago

    by Britt

    I also like the part that Linda highlighted. So often we chase things that we think will make us successful -- and that usually includes money and material items. But even if we don't have a million dollars in the bank account, we can still be happy. Still find our dreams and live them. When people ask me what my dream is, it's to have a family. They look at me weird, because typically dreams involve opening a business, climbing the ladder, living the hustle 'n bustle of the career life.. and that's not what I want. I want to create life and raise children in a happy, loving home. Of course there are hard times, and ups and downs, but that's where your second part of choosing to be happy when it storms comes in. One thing my pastor said to me that I've tried so hard to ignore (but know he's right lol) is that feelings are a choice, which is totally different than everything this culture tells us.

    You're full of dreams, Chels, that are all over the board; some in reach and some that might take a little stretch to get there, but I know you will. No surprise you wrote such an inspiring piece about it!

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Love all the positivity here you talk about Chels, and I do believe in the possibility of dreams, everywhere we walk...that first line grabbed me also and is so true! We want the dreams that will make our hearts whole and will last, not fleeting moments for satisfaction but real changes in our lives that will show us who we truly are and how we go there.

    So inspiring and motivational as you are! Do you leave for your big trip tomorrow or is it today? Anyway I hope you have a WONDERFUL time with you and your friends going w/ you, and I send big hugs :]

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    It's true most people dream for success and material things when one should be dreaming for happiness. Some of the most loneliest/miserable people are billionaires.

    I love the three dreams that you highlighted... fall in love and stay there... adore the 'stay there'... because you can fall out of love just as quickly as you can in.

    Choose to be happy when it storms; that you will create a positive out of a negative no matter what, that when a storm arises, you will be outside dancing in the rain.

    I LOVE the "chase" dreams part... we wouldn't have to chase after what we wish we could have, it would float freely into our lives, it would be natural. It wouldn't be just a fairy-tale dream, it would be reality.

    Beautiful poem, Chelsey!

  • 11 years ago

    by Sourav

    Very inspirational and positive. Sometimes we do need these kinds of words. Very nice work.

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Chelsey, this is one of those poems you read and think...hang on a minute, was she inside my head. I've done a lot of thinking lately and my dreams have been one of the things I've focused on and thought about, because there are things I want, material things but to be happy and healthy are the most important dreams I have before anything material...

    It is really true what Hannah said, that all the money in the world doesn't make you happy, it can be a lonely life.

    You always write with such truth and positivity, the message here is so powerful.


  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is so great and true Chels. I think sometimes we have dreams and because we think they are far away we see it as impossible to get there, rather than, it might be hard work but we can get there if we want to.

    I enjoyed this and love the wording. I also like the ending because it was like everyone related to the poem reading it and then your last line was a smack in the face saying this poem can be true if you want and believe it.

    Loved it