Comments : Unlock

  • 11 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves

    I love the metaphors you've used in this write, and because how its written it has a unique way of drawing me the reader in. I love this poem although it's sad, it is fill with heartbreaking emotions.


  • 11 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    I missed reading and commenting on your poems. As usual, this was an exceptional piece and it satisfied my need for beautiful words strung into coherent sentences which are able to put across to the reader an idea so compelling that it just stuns them into speechlessness. I could say it did so to me, particularly the phrases I quote below:

    "and all the gusts of wind
    are just the spoken words your memory
    is fighting to cannon across the skies."

    "Because words have damage when
    they travel more miles per hour than
    a tracker can record"

    and I loved how you made repetitive use of the word green which strengthens the impact of what you intended to put across. Personally, I thought using the word "green" twice makes the poem flow well enough but there must be a reason why you used it thrice and I respect that.

    Great write as usual, my lovely friend :D