by Unknown
I completely adore this, even the form you have fits really nicely. |
So beautiful Tony! The flow of this also just is beyond words and I'm almost left speechless. I love how memorable each line is and how it's like you don't need to say more because everything else is vowed, that warmth will always be there and even if the season is done with, there will still be love between you and a sun looking down on you... |
This is such a beautiful poem, the thought of someone eyes being so beautiful and deep that you can see yourself in them, just beautiful. When you truly care about someone, there is always a fire raging inside of you while you're with them, I totally can relate. |
by Sourav
Very romantic... very passionate. Wonderful poem. |
by Rusheena
Oh my stars, Tony! This is so romantic! I feel all mushy now, lol. It's so full of life and energy, and imagery just blows my mind! Such a lifetime of words said in such a short poem, well done! I haven't nominated a poem in a while, but this one definitely gets my vote. Favorited as well. Great job, Tony :) |
by L
Atlantic oceans will never be as deep as the the beauty |
by Baby Rainbow
Wow T, this is one of your best poems. It flows quite flawless and I enjoyed reading it at such an easy flow and pace. |