Comments : Modern Hearts

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    WOW MaryAnne!
    Just left me speechless.

    This reminded me of something I've been reading, and the tone of this was almost refreshing, like there was some hope, amidst the heartbreak, but not just in a relationship, in life, in general how we don't let love consume us, we don't open our hearts enough.

    I loved the opening, how we check out people, we do, we scrutinise, we judge, maybe not always aware that we do, from the outside, we see someone, we immediately question, wonder, feel curious as to their lives, worries, troubles, do they love?

    We forget ourselves and forget to let our hearts be our muse, we forget that we need love too.

    This was just absolutely breathtaking, in the thoughts it provoked, and the wording and flow, smooth and transitional.

    I love this.

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This truly is an amazing poem and very relevant to today's society.

    I really like how you opened it because it shows how judgemental people are in the world and how their judgement can actually shape that persons confidence and self esteem.

    I also really loved the ending because you describe the heart and what the heart is and does and is used for, but you also mention tissue which is so eye opening because although the heart is strong, it is made of tissue and look how fragile tissue is! I think this was a very powerful way to show how hurt the heart can be, and often hurt beyond repair if it is too badly damaged.

    I thought you done a great job here enjoyed the read. I also like your title choice as I think it is very important to point this out, the changes that is happening in the world which is so different from yesterday but yet, they are shaping tomorrow which will only get worse if things carry on in the way they are going. It is very true that society shapes what is expected of people and it should be people who shapes what is expected of society.

    Well done.

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I'm in love with your title and this whole entire piece. It's so thought-provoking and just amazing.

    Your first stanza is ... just wow. We inspect others like an archaeologist would inspect a bone, we look at every little detail and judge them for who they are without really knowing who they are, sometimes not intentionally, it becomes a habit almost.

    "But we have timeless structures..."

    - I love this...that even thought the way we judge is differently, there are things that stay the same... qualities that are timeless.

    The stanza talking about NYC is just imagery city! I can just envision a crowded street with all these black and purple umbrellas bumping into each other... such lovely imagery.

    I think the data that tourists collect and discard is a metaphor for the heart... how sometimes people pick up multiple hearts, for their own amusement and pleasure and then throw them away carelessly.

    I love the mention of art, how we are our own kind of art... unique. The addition of VIP passes and security guards was awesome, it definitely added to the NYC metaphor.

    The last stanza is my absolutely favorite, talking about how our hearts aren't just physical tissue, they hold our everything... past present and future. Our tissue is fragile, that even after they have been crumbled and torn a little, they are still open to love.

    I'm just in awe of this poem, I love it so much. <3

    Nominated! and added to my favs.

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Congratulations on the win girl!!! I loved this poem so much, so am very pleased to see it gracing the front page :) x

  • 11 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    The opening of this poem is spot on! We do tend to judge people by their looks and compare. The overall poem talks about how society has evolved and yet we don't...we still are the same..judging.

    An interesting read and I especially liked the third and final stanza..well done and congrats on the win.

  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    First stanza couldn't have been any more perfect. Everyone judges everyone, it's just fact. I don't think anyone can say they haven't. I suppose it's just of our nature. It's kind of sad actually but unfortunately that's how life goes. But like your poem has stated, it's kind of because we're not willing to open our hearts as much I guess. It's actually quite hard to find people that you can trust, the past and present do affect what we think and such. In the end I feel like all we want is to find the right person. You worded this to a tee, couldn't have expressed it any better. So happy you won with this one!

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    "What an exquisite write! The opening line instantly reaches out to me because of the truth in such a simple statement. We're all guilty of judging people before we know them, and this statement reminds me of the age old saying "never judge a book by its cover" and yet we do so anyway and will most likely continue to do so, even though we know we shouldn't. "We are made of romance." I love this line, and I find it lovely how the author chose to describe us a whole. If only more people would take these views, the world would be a much happier and peaceful place. The closing verse is what did it for me, I thought it was simply divine. Our hearts are indeed what make us and drive us and it is our hearts we often follow. This poem brought out such a contented feeling for me when I realised that some people do still think like this instead of constantly judging others when there is no need to. It promotes hope, and in such an elegantly crafted way that is brimming with pure imagery. Amazing work as always from Mary-Anne. "

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Judge Comment:

    MaryAnne has a creative angle all of her own, and this is why I adore her poetry. This piece here is absolutely beautiful!

    The starting stanza is the heart of the piece-

    "We check out humans like they are library books,
    browsing past their skin with retinas made for
    archeologists and not jobless people."

    It's very true- We do treat humans like library books.. I never thought of it that way until I read this piece. That is why I adore this piece so much, makes me think beyond what I normally would. The message is very expressing and life gripping.. I can't say enough,
    powerful life poem at it's best!