Leave The Holes

by Autumn Leaves   May 30, 2013

Her eyes are swollen;
this wasn't the first time.
She looks down at the cloth
She had sown up many times before.
The holes keep getting bigger,
and the love that he (she) offers
is making her sicker.

Lies have become the norm,
and pain is on the other side
of this door.

breaking her every chance you get,
making her sew up her bleeding
heart over and over again,
promising that things will change,
but just like seasons, things
remain the same

The needle is implanted beneath
her skin, waiting for you to find
a reason to rip her wounds open

Oh, please,
leave the holes within my heart
she can only think, why keep
sewing up her wounds if in the
end she'll only



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  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    First stanza: I like the metaphor of the cloth being your heart and you're having to sew it back together.

    One little thing: sown should be sewn. Sown is like planting seeds, sewn is stitching. :)

    Second stanza: It's really a terrible feelings when lies become a normal routine in your life. I've been there and it makes one feel unworthy of the truth.

    Third stanza: This is really heartbreaking... making her continue to be a seamstress to her own heart. She has to repeatedly sew up the holes he keeps tearing. :(

    Fourth stanza: I like how you incorporated the needle, how it's under her skin... like she is bitter and angry towards him, like how the saying "he gets under her skin" that's what this reminded me of. She expects him to hurt her, she is so used to it... just waiting for the incident to happen.

    Ending: She pleads to leave the gaping holes open, because either way she is going to bleed.

    Nicely penned, girl!

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Oh this is so sad it really touched the wounds in my own heart, wonderful poem, I adore it completely, great writing!

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