Comments : When We (Collide)

  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    When you meet the person you end up falling in love with, you will always remember where you first met and how special the moment was. I feel like even in the most ordinary place, the moment is still very special.

    I found the merry go round image interesting, because when you do feel as though you're in love it starts with infatuation & nothing else in the world matters, everything does seem like a blur, it's kind of a lot to take in. I like how you mentioned not becoming dizzy, I feel as though this says a lot, like you wish to still see reality and not lose sight of it. It's quite important actually when you fall in love, to not be naive and to always see reality because you never know what may go wrong, you have to really be aware of it so that it doesn't take you by surprise & cause too much hurt.

    I also like that you say it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you being together, no ones opinion will matter because you'll love them no matter what. It doesn't matter, you have each other and will always be one.

    Lovely thoughts here, I feel you are always full of so much wisdom and are very mature for you age. It's quite important for the future and such things as this that you will encounter :) Well done