Comments : Gaunt

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Well crap...How am I supposed to fricken comment on this piece!!?!?!?!? really...I started to think Oh Maryanne, I'm going to have to give you the "you don't have to be skinny to be beautiful" speech, but at the end, that is NOT what this piece is about...though you do an amazing job at making your readers think that..

    I LOVED that metaphor and how you kind of tricked me. Your ending stanza just killed it!\

    I love your writing so so always have a way of twisting words into this story, this incredibly detailed, wordy (but a good wordy), poem! I'm wrapped in your poetry because thats the thing, its like we never know what you're talking about...until the end. You make it all clear. Thats just amazing to me.

    You're incredible, I really admire your writes.

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I love the twist in this poem, how it leads you one way and then the ending is just like BAM, it turns into a totally different ending than the reader expected. Those are always the best pieces, it just totally wows us.

    This whole piece is jammed with wonderful metaphors/similes and imagery galore. My favorite is the first stanza and then the stanza talking about the gum...truly amazing!!!

    I'm pretty sure this piece is about the distance between two (ex?) they live apart, how they are distant they are with feelings/communication... how the space between them is just air... and how you wish to skinny 'yourself' so you'll be closer together.

    Added to my favorites and nominated! :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    "I too originally thought this was about an eating disorder to begin with and was expecting the poem to lead down such a dark path because of the sombre tone immediately created within the first verse. I was surprised, then, as I read further on and realised that this was not about an eating disorder but perhaps the distance between two people that were once incredibly close, I ended up thinking it was about a couple that have since gone their separate ways.

    I was fond of the sudden transitions in each following verse, from having the reader think this will be about an eating disorder, to the verse of chewing gum (Again tying in with initial thoughts as gum is used by many anorexia/bulimia etc sufferers as a way to curb hunger), and then mentioning the two houses.

    I thought the ending was perfect. Tying once more with the previous lines ("I need to be more thin") and adding such a bittersweet tone to the melancholy that has been present throughout by mentioning this other person sneaking in. I see it as this person is constantly sneaking under the author's defences and guards?
    The metaphors and imagery in this are what really blew me away, elegantly penned."