Comments : It Does Get [Easier to Breathe]

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I love this MA, it was really beautifully penned, and tone was more relaxing, even though the power behind each line was evident. It made me feel calm, and like life was beginning to make sense again.

    I loved the title, it is powerful on it's own, just reading the title, I knew I wanted to read this piece, I was not disappointed, it is everything that anyone needs to hear after a tough day or just when they need some direction.

    The nature tones were just breathtaking, and I immediately fell in love with the first stanza, about how hard life gets, it's not hard enough to end it, there is always a way out that doesn't involve death, that struck me deeply.

    I know this piece will be one I come back to, so I am adding it to my favourites.

    Really inspiring, powerful words that touched me deeply.