Come To Me, In Dreams.

by Tim   Jun 21, 2013

Malevolent thoughts. Of my jaded life.
At the end of light, it becomes night.
Demented hatred, and wishing to die.
I think of you, right up there in the sky.

It seems my life is one big catch 22,
An epitome of this being, me and you.
If you were here, you'd only be in fear.
But you are not, so what should i do?

Selfishly whining; whimpering. I know!
Anything to see you just one more time.
I'd even finagle the work of schlegel,
Re-invent time, or sing a little rhyme.

Come to me, in dreams. Just once.
I'll never ask again, forever be strong,
We can smile and sing. For a little while.
Like that time that we wrote that song.

Sleep peacefully darling


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  • 10 years ago

    by Bayan

    More than amazing
    loved it

  • 10 years ago

    by Maher

    I like how this started out dark and devoid of hope, and then moved on to shed light on why it's so dark. The end sounds a little more positive, even though it's just a positive memory that it speaks of.

    It almost sounds like the person you speak of was tailored by your mind to save you from the abyss of darkness that you're in - like a mechanism put in place by your subconscious to prevent any rash life threatening ideas. I say that because it sounds movie-like - in a world of injustice and darkness, there's a light that has always been with us in our minds that most of us switch off (the person being that light that is keeping you from falling any further). I know it's about an actual person, but I love that it can also (in my very limited mind at least) be interpreted in such a way. That, my friend, is one of the beauties of poetry and imagination, and you have pointed that out nicely in this one :)

    Sorry for the longass comment!

    • 10 years ago

      by Tim

      No need to apologise - the longass comment is much appreciated :) thank you

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    Beautiful :)

  • 11 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    This is pretty good. I can imagine this as a lullaby. Or song lyrics. :). Beautiful written. Mate. 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow this is so beautiful!!! 100/100, never stop writing, you are so fabulous at this wonderful poem, you never disappoint!!

    • 11 years ago

      by Tim

      Aww thank you Cathy. You're amazing!