
by Poet on the Piano   Jun 26, 2013

She tucked letters under her arms,
tying them with rosemary
and linking her love
into the dry papyrus.


He was the boy who swam with sharks
until his forty minutes in a desolate
ocean woke him-
he couldn't rest easily anymore
with arms up in the air.


She has yet to cease her writing,
but the pain is only numbing
as her voice no longer quakes
with emotion,
it just withers away.


He was never found, the saltiness
of his wounds were never licked,
and his last words regrettably
never reached her,
the only homeland he ever swam
to before.


And now silence sits between them,
destroying the passion she had warmed
herself up to.

The waters are still churning, moving
with his soul and not even trying

to return.

Written 6/25/13 @ 8:45 pm.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    I like the story here....I can almost see someone truly drowning....and the girl helplesss to stop it...But I see a much deeper meaning here...

    I see the waves drowning someone as a metaphor for someone changing, and their unwillingness to stop it. As the one who loved him is sad about the distance that it causes...

    orrrr....a metaphor for distance coming betwen two people because of a circumstance, and now what once was between them is now silent..

    This could be describing so much I like how it keeps me guessing...

    Love your writing girl!! I tell you these story poems are my favorite!