
by Poet on the Piano   Jul 3, 2013

Touring the city
at a quarter to eleven,
and my feet shuffle slowly
by an alleyway where
two streetlights
shine down on a woman.

I stare and her eyes meet mine.
She runs, holding up her long
tattered coat,
as I wave my hands in protest.
I'm not here to harm her.
But she limps past.

I find a part of her story
in the murky
depths of a garbage can-

wondering with all my heart
what burden carried her down
here and left
staring at darkness
instead of living in the light.

Written 07/02/13
2 minute prompt to write about a trashcan.


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  • 11 years ago

    by L

    I realized that those quick poems sometimes are the ones packed with more thought and meaning.

    I think I'm just going to repeat what Hannah and Courageous Dreamer said, but you really painted the image so well! I've been reading the poem a couple of times and I keep imaging a certain woman, I have no idea who she is but she looks so familiar, and the part where you mentioned where the eyes meet. I see her brown eyes and her semi short hair covering her from her eyes down while her tattered coat covers her til her knees. So the poem is striking. I may have seen that woman somewhere, may be a movie, I can't think of any where else.

    but in two minutes, you were able to bring some image that had an impact on me. Well done.

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I'm seriously amazed at how you wrote such a high quality poem within two minutes! I would have like, one line wrote. I'm a slow writer :P... I overthink everything, haha.

    You captured the scene very well in the first stanza, setting the mood... at first it's almost scary... going down an alleyway and meeting someone. That's always been a fear of mine. :/ But anyway, you see this woman... who is obviously afraid due to her running away...afraid of what, unsure... maybe of people in general because they have done her wrong so many times. She limps past anyway even though you state you aren't there to harm her in any way. The sadness has definitely set in.

    I love how you portrayed her life in the garbage can, letting the reader know she is homeless. My heart always breaks when I see them wearing layers of tattered clothes and carrying garbage bags full of their belongings.

    The ending is so relatable because I've found myself wondering that too, wondering what has led this person down this path... most would think drugs/alcohol...but most of the time it's far deeper than that. And with this economy as low as it is, I'm afraid we will see more and more of poverty.

    You wrote such a fantastic piece in such a short amount of time, great job! <3

  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    You truly excel with these quick prompts! Love where you went with this one... Makes me think of the several homeless people I've seen in bigger cities & how absolutely sad it is that they have all their belongings in a trash bag with nowhere to go. You painted the most perfect atmosphere with the rain, really emphasizes the sadness of the situation. Greatly developed poem for just two minutes. Quite impressed :)