- excellent opening line, it is a statement in itself and punches the reader with the truth. It is so true that our life is pretty much shaped by our past and what we see and feel and think is most reflected by things from the past. I adore this little quote.
Mirrored in deep waters once still but
now troubled by the abundant pain of life.
- these two lines reminds me of growing up. When we are young we see life as calm and fun and childhood should be free of pain. We have no idea of the pain the world holds yet and how cruel and hard it can be sometimes. The water changing here shows the change in age I think and what life expects from us as we grow.
I do not know of still waters, as most dreamers don't,
But I've imagined it to be,
nothing more or less, a perfect cup of tea.
- I like the flow here, the subtle rhyme works so well because it is not forced out and fits nicely into place. I also like how you talk about dreamers being plural, more than one, like we are all just dreamers in this life, which I guess we are at times.
And I will awaken, as all dreamers must,
To return to the life that must be lived
And leave the one I trust.
- Brilliant ending. I think it shows the fact of reality and how we cannot hide from it. Even though we can dream we must remember reality will always be there. I like the idea of the one you trust, it makes me think of people who get stuck inside a routine because they know it, they trust it to keep them safe, but at the same time they do not live because they are scared to leave that life for a new one.