Comments : It's Time

  • 11 years ago

    by dindee


    "You tell me you are sorry,"
    "You said it's all my fault,"

    ---he tells you sorry,,,but he was blaming you still...its not sorry for me...

    "It's just a matter of time,
    Before I tell of your abuse,"
    --youre awakened by......all of the things happened between you two..

    "Because what you did to me,
    Was uncalled for,
    You're lucky I stayed,
    And didn't drop you to the floor. "
    ----its a biiig BANG!!!!!
    ilove it!!!!!sorry for him...!

    HIGH FIVE!!!!

    • 11 years ago

      by Bailey

      Im bigger than he is, I could beat the crap out of him easily. but that's what my friend Ethan is for ^-^

  • 11 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    I like this poem because sometimes you truly have to let go.

    First stanza- I love thd start of it because it truly makes the reader think. What is done? What has begun. The titld also makes you think as in it's time for what. I love thd mystery to it all. I love thd build up and lead into thd rest of the poem!.

    Second stanza- I love the wording in this stanza it works well with the first lines because when you are pushing someone away they always want you to stay!

    Third stanza- its never true that someone is stupid. If you want or have to leave a person because its their fault you should never blame yourself!

    Fourth stanza- this stanza os my favorite because it sheds a light on why you are leaving and yoj need to leave. You cannot go unheard for your voice is powerful and you need to just leave this person! !

    Ending- if you did get abused it really is u ncalled for and good for you! I liked how you wojld drop him to thefloor. Overall its a nice poem but its great you let your ferlings out. 5

    • 11 years ago

      by Bailey

      Thanks James

  • 11 years ago

    by ControlRobot

    Hey, I like this poem

  • 11 years ago

    by ControlRobot

    Hey, I like this poem

  • 11 years ago

    by ControlRobot

    Hey, I like this poem