Comments : Fantasizing Daydream

  • 11 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Wow love the ending line.....awesome ending lines....just love it lol great poem I love the flow and rhymes..always makes s poem more enjoyable to read....u did a good job on thiskeep writingI'd love to read more :)

  • 11 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    Tim this really is a great poem though!!

    First stanza- in the first line you should either do closing or shutting my eyes using both is redundant! !.
    Just a small flaw. I love the lines here though we all dream of a world like this. Great wording here because we all dream of feeling a child like wonder!!.

    Second stanza- I love the connecting line of hazy and hippy for so many reasons! Haha. Yes but in our own worlds we can dream of which ever we want. A perfect world is of no judgements at all!!. But only if we could!

    Third stanza- These lines have awesome rhymes hshaand I love comical aapproach to this. Scared of a spider at nineteen is a great line lol. It makes the poem real! Nothing is ever as it seems indeed.

    Ending- The ending lines are so great. This world can really be amazing if you follow the right path. Daydreams give you a reality of what trulh could be though indeed!!. Excellent rhymes and flows and connecting lines 5

  • 11 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Lol! I love this! 10 /10

  • 11 years ago

    by Kate

    Well haha.

    I like how you paint a picture of Eutopia in the beginning, a world with no lies or judgements or care. It works nicely. And it really sets up an interesting picture into who you are. Nicely done.

    It also sets up the idea of a daydream. The idea of Eutopia is almost dream like and that adds a deeper quality to the poem.

    And then reality hits. The waking up part can either be seen as actually wake up of a realization about the real world and the silliness that lies in the world, like screaming at a spider, it is a nice add.
    It shows a little bit of the beauty and childishness of the world that seems so serious all of the time.

    Which ties together nicely with the ending as well. :) I like it.

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    Wow!! Fantastic piece!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by angel plant

    I like it but way to short.

  • 10 years ago

    by Kristen

    Learning as we get older, in youth we are confidant and almost brash like. Aspects of this poem were great because it is like you were showing us what you really did day dream when you wrote this poem. The double view point is wonderful, the happiness in the day dream itself and the realization that you are not in that dream anymore. The happiness you wrote about seems to come from your youth which makes me think that you miss it or never really had a childhood. But the emotions you show coming out of it is great, because you were confused and didn't know where you were for a second and the scream is great because you can visualize the spider and the scream that comes with it. Well crafted poem

    • 10 years ago

      by Tim

      Thank you for your comment :) - It's really appreciated and interesting to read about your take on this piece.

  • 10 years ago

    by DarkLight

    As a writer, you have painted a picture, to persons reading this. Allowing them to imagine with you, daydreaming with you as it flows.
    Giving them something to recreate the idea of what world without lies would be like,
    where everyone would be happy, confident not worrying what other might think of or say when they see him/her doing things which in reality might be perceived as crazy.....

    I like the ending, the last two lines.

    But the real world really can be great,
    If you just don't mind a little wait.

    It gave me a sense of imagination, what the world would be like if only everyone could take time to think a little longer before rushing to do what is not right, maybe they would be a chance to change up his/her mind and do the right thing, Then this world would be heavenly clone, where being happy wouldn't fall in the category of "optional" but "must".

    Good work.

  • 10 years ago

    by Augustus Black

    This is quite an interesting poem. I like the way added four lines in each stanza. You are a very talented lad. Nice work. 5/5

    • 10 years ago

      by Tim

      Thanks man :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Bayan

    People being free to speak truth,
    Without a care just like the youth.

    *.* I am so in love with those 2 lines!

    Amazing as always..

    • 10 years ago

      by Tim

      Aww thanks Bayan