by Baby Rainbow
Arrgh, I hate when you do this to me Hellon. My mind is racing with so much thoughts and all these images! |
I am humbled by the flow and imagery of this poem . My first impression was that the tenses were colloquial in the sense "was" "now"" notice "& "billowed" |
by Liz
I've been reading your series of Kuebiko poems and am always left speechless. Like BR said, I want to take him for myself and take care of him. The way you've written these, gave him a life.. just breaks my heart reading it, but I love it. Amazing. |
by Piogga
I am fast becoming a huge fan of yours. I especially love this character you've built so well over time. It feels like one of those book/TV series I've gotten addicted to that I never want to end. I hope this isn't the last, because I'd be really really sad and you'd also be ending this on a sad note. Also, the next one should be on a happier part of Kuebiko's life. :) |
by Hellon
I'm glad people seem to be enjoying Kuebiko, thank you all for your positive feedback. I have another two written and, without giving too much away...things do change for the better in them :) |
by Amreen
This is the first time Im reading a Keubiko poem of yours and Im already connected to him. I always feel very sad when I picture old people abandoned and have written one such poem dedicated for those beautiful people cuz I myself try to spend my weekends with my grandparents and have fun with them. This phase of life should be the most calm and peaceful time, but the young ones only tend to give them much of it. |
Aww Hellon, my heart just aches throughout this whole piece! I'm very glad you created this character, made him so lovable, compassionate, and had the imagination to give him such a voice. I know many have read and will continue to read :] |
by Baby Rainbow
Congrats :) |
by Karla
Kuebiko is a masterpiece my friend. |