Comments : A Thousand Deaths

  • 11 years ago

    by Hellon

    I don't really know what to say Jenni....this is heartbreaking and it ripped straight at my heart. I know you love your son very much and I was hoping by now that you would have worked something out with his dad...obviously not!

    I assume he has custody alone will know why that it so...if you really do want your son back then you have to prove that the reasons why you don't have custody of him are now gone...a child needs his mother more than his father at this age but...only if she's functioning normally....may sound harsh's meant to...I've tried pming you recently and you don't respond so...perhaps you are still not fully recovered?

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This also tore at my heart, and just you writing how you would die a thousand deaths to have him back, says everything in the whole world. There was so much tangible pain here, that I never want you to feel again, and I hope and pray it goes away with time and the realization you are needed as his mother is recognized. It clearly shows how much you need him as well and the love you given each other, that bond of mother and son.

    Always thinking of you and wishing for the best. Keep your head up! Your have such a loving, willing heart and have gone through a lot in trying and moving forward from the past, doing what's best. Hopefully they will see that when making a decision or in regards to when you can welcome him back into your arms.

    Emotional, raw poem filled with sacrifice <3