Comments : Vacuous.

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    But I would still want
    to through them over each
    side of the Grand Canyon.

    ^^ should that be 'throw' or am I reading that wrong?

    Maryanne this poem cuts deep, I have felt like this before, totally empty, like nothing matters...your metaphors seem like ones I've used before....just because I can relate to so much...

    If I broke this down now though, I could turn every stanza positive...throw your dreams in a bag, sometimes you have to carry them to a new place before you can reach them....go to an island no one sailed can be the leader for God in a new place....

    its so amazing because its normal to feel these feelings sometimes, but its when we can take those feelings and give them a new positive light, that we find peace.

    well done with this write, I enjoyed it.