
by Maple Tree   Jul 22, 2013

Seconds tick, tock
in catacombs of nerve
twitches, aching my
heart for news of

but nothing mates with silence,
sitting here in restlessness
I wake the sun for messages
that goddesses hold sacred.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Bayan

    Wow! :)

  • 10 years ago


    But nothing mates with silence,

    woooo that made me cold ... 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Short but somtimes less is more good job my friend 5\5

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    This poem is very stunning and beautiful. First of all the title I feel fits perfectly. You are waiting for " bad news" and waiting is always the hardest thing to do. So the first stanzas writing is beautiful. I can imagine your heart beating with the second of the clock. As time ticks down and the more you wait the more it hurts. I like the phrase "nerve twitches" as well. To me that is saying that every time you hear a sound that you nervously twitch or move because you are scared to hear any news.

    I love the ending here as well. You pen your words well. Nothing mates with silence. That is very true. I think here maybe you have been waiting all night and no news has come and you remain silent all that time. restlessness is a nice touch here because throughout you give the feeling you are uncomfortable and now that you have to wait it makes you restless. The last two lines are amazing. It tells me the again you wake up with the sun and want to know what happens. Overall. You paint such a strong picture with such few words. Well done.

  • 11 years ago

    by alka mendiratta

    Congrats on the win.Silence is the biggest gift to attain....
    beautifully penned.....
    Take care.

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