Comments : Heart

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    How inspirational! I love how you have written from your heart how you will have the strength to rise, holding onto what you believe and what you are made of...honor, integrity. Life will not break you or take away your meaning. You will always remain and stand strong. Beautiful poem full of spirit and determination for whatever you do. A lot expressed in such few lines.

    Keep writing.

  • 11 years ago

    by La Muse Angelique

    Very strong poem!
    Awesome how you express your strong feelings of integrity and the importance of holding on to that no matter what. It's what I try in life as well and sometimes it just didn't pay off in the end and you get hurt very bad.. Only because your are being true and honest. It's what the world needs more.. some real true integrity. Loved this write so much.