Comments : The Week

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    So happy and proud of you Yaki! Love how you poured your soul into this write and all I can say is that the beauty of who you are shines here. I'm glad you're at peace, that's truly wonderful and that warmed my heart that this week has been a period where you were alone, but you have figured out you are going to strive to do what's right and seek the beauty held in that moment.

    Like you said, the past week has been realization and forgiveness and that touched my heart when reading. Beautiful write with such encouragement and self-acceptance! As well as those last lines of knowing what you hold dearest and I sure know you were born for poetry and humanity and vice-versa. I think it's the hardest journey though, and only way, through discovering it for yourself and what you live for, love, etc... because no one can ascertain it for you or map it out. It may be a road you just have to travel down. Anyway, take care and this was an honor to read, it was wisdom, truth, and I have a lot of respect and admiration for you, especially the way you are now seeing the light you have to shine :]