Comments : Territory.

  • 11 years ago

    by Britt

    This was my challenge to you! :) I knew you'd do awesome, wahooo! Will comment on content later, though I have to say I really love the rhubarb lip idea -- clever!

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I really enjoyed this poem of yours, I liked how I could sense the control in it, I think it shows how people can ignore what they really see, because they want to see something different. Either in someone else, or themselves.

    I think this could relate to an abusive relationship, or perhaps not even abusive, but unequal, where perhaps the guy overpowers and controls the woman, but she was fooled by him in the beginning and now she is stuck inside this bottle and doesn't know a way out.

    I like the description you used for the bottle, by saying this person only sharpened them, to be this is saying it makes it even more dangerous for her to escape.

    also like your ending line being on its own, it shows the deeper meaning of the poem, is the emotion this person would feel in being trapped, it is like a catch 22 situation I guess, where she is not happy with him, but then she doesn't think there could be happiness without him, because that is how he has twisted her mind into thinking.

    I liked this one, and to find out it was from a challenge was good as well, as there was a lot of prompts. Glad I came across this. Thanks.