crushed beneath velvet sheets
wrapped in a silky embrace,
confused illusions
fallacious assurances
ring hidden from sight.
Yet she knows, she's always
known; and when it's nestled
back in its rightful place
is when she allows tears to fall
she's holding out hope for a man
that will never love her the way
she deserves and still; she's holding
on with a tenacious grip to her
{amara e dolce estate di fragole}
*E ancora mezzanotte a Roma-It's midnight in Rome again
*amara e dolce estate di fragole-bitter and sweet strawberry summer
*Baby Rainbow's Challenge
Midnight in Rome
the devil's promise
strawberry summer
confused illusions
when she cries
velvet crush
*Strawberry summer must be the ending of the poem
*there must be at least one stanza of the poem as a senryu/haiku