by Unknown
This is simply beautiful, Amreen! |
by Amreen
Thank you Hannah. Yes I did wanted to convey that message of God between these lines. |
by Unknown
My bad, I had read the word African somewhere before I had commented and got confused! Lol... still lovely. <3 |
by Lostlove1
This is a beautiful poem Amreen :) I like God poems. |
by TSI25
I feel the need to say that im agnostic-atheist, and my read through of this poem was tainted with the kind of contrite thought that, when you mentioned those blessed with seeing the new dawn, i simply thought of those who died before morning light could reach them. |
by Love Fallacy
I very interesting poem. I loved your whole first line" An illuminating sun basks in the glory of a virgin sunrise". Such a powerful way to start the poem and get me interested right away. |
by Chelsey
This is so beautiful....what an awakening really...with the bird analogy. How true...they can get so hungry looking for food yet they are trusting their maker to provide. And we have all we need yet still doubt God at times... |
by Black pearl
When I started reading the poem, the very first line I read and I got the feeling of reading something I never read before, but all the other lines I read they are just too ordinary. |
by Meena Krish
Each day is a gift from God and that is what I got from this. Every creature and living thing has a purpose just like us and we have to have faith..nicely penned. |
by Burning Angel
This poem is not exactly what i enjoy reading about. But something pulled me in and told me to read it. and I absolutely loved it. I like how you incorporated god into the poem and then a bird. It kind of spoke to me more than most poems can xD |
As read the poem,i end up feeling so very good..u have decribed so beautifully friend! |
by Ingrid
If only we could trust with the heart of the animals of this world. |
by DarkLight
Wow. that's a powerful one. good work |
by Marvellous
It's always been a wonder, reading through your poetic lines of enigma. As usual, here comes another beautifully devoted piece I'm proud to critique. Keep the light, bright! |