
by Poet on the Piano   Aug 6, 2013

Murder by moonlight
as the ebony-eyed lady
of the river descends,
waiting to ambush
silhouettes not held
by sparks or paper

when stars are blue
and waves of self rejection
move with inflection,

there will only be
plumage near the grey
river stones-
daylight will bleed here
and hopeless souls
mark their sorrows
never caring to see if
their ink will dry
for good

(a forbidden phoenix
who will not be able
to have wings again,
only ashes to
try and speak)

Written 8/06/13 @ 7:08 PM

Baby Rainbow's challenge from these random prompts:

When stars are blue
waves of self rejection
murder by moonlight
lady of the river
paper plans


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  • 11 years ago

    by Dufoi

    Very Nice.

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    :0 !!

    On my phone ... But... Wow!!