Old lover

by Yakari Gabriel   Aug 10, 2013

You know why? Its because I'm the that one item in the store everyone finds lovely but isn't convinced to buy. I collect dust on the shelf. I am a heartbreak, something people fear and avoid but always get anyways. a missed call on christmas eve,
I am a childhood memory, those they think about and get nostalgic, not happy. and you, you were quicksand.
I never dared to step in completely, I knew you'd swallow me without remorse. maybe you were a puzzle piece that fell too far under the bed and no one wanted to make the effort to get, I noticed that
you looked like you could complete something but I knew it wasn't me.
you were courage but courage with greed and I was selfless. I'd never punish you for leaving, and I'll never punish myself for not staying.
where there was fire ashes remain, yes , but old lover.. accept that there's no heat anymore. the smoke has cleared and I can see clearly, it'll never happen again


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