Comments : Confusion

  • 10 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Love can be very confusing at times so that makes me like this title. It seems like this person is finally standing up for themseleves. So that tells me they have been hurt through out this relationship. I think that anything that causes you pain is not worth your time at all. There also seems to be conflicting emotions within this person as well. It seems like they are hurt and wanting to leave but love is strong and hard to get away from. I think it's harder to move on especially when you have been together a long time.b

    Im should be I'm.

    I really liked the flow of this poem. It really keeps the poet interested. The rhyming for me works well and goes with the flow of the message of the poem. The lines are short enough and make the story better. Anyways. I'm not a huge fan of love poems but this is very well written. 5/5

  • 10 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    Would of liked for it to rhyme. but I still like it. I like the depth of the poem . the pain reflects well.

  • 10 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    I liked it it's true love is suckish but people choose to be "in love" people say otherwise but love IS a choice and I like that in this poem you're done with that person's "poop" 5/5


  • 5 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    Beautiful poem.