Comments : The woman vs the poet

  • 11 years ago

    by Natalie

    This is a very intricate (and may I say personal?) write. I wouldn't necessarily call it a poem, possibly more or an introspective piece reflecting on how our feelings about ourselves can be so different to our talents and how consolidating them can lead to depression!

    I really enjoyed reading this. It really gave me a lot of food for thought. I think that you did a particularly good job because you present feelings that are extremely relatable to.

    "she hates herself very intimately"

    This phrase was my favourite part of your poem because it caused me to stop and think about what you were saying. It stirred a lot of emotion in me. I guess that is because to some extent or another, I can relate. I think you expressed the feeling of self-hatred beautifully! I love the idea of this hate, negative, violent and rotting you being an intimate, private thing.

    Great write! 5/5 from me!