Comments : Drifter [Quadruple Etheree]

  • 11 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    Wow. This is truly great. Your word play is fantastic. There is so much imagery that it blows my mind haha. When I see an etheree it draws my attention because not a lot of people write them. You have done such a great job with this one. Four etherees in one I have never ever seen. I love how in the first two you seem to be with someone or even a thought maybe. I love how you seem to draw the reader in but the beauty all around In this scene. The waves lapping and the beach being a romantic scene.

    In the secind part it all seems to good be true and you feel the loneliness of the person you created. This person left you trying to heal your heart but I love the footprints in the sand. It looks like this person is now a ghost or a haunting memory that wont go away. The way you describe the night is great. You say it is a cold dark place ( metaphor) and you are alone. No one to warm you up. This is so great though. 5/5