My suicide

by UtterlyAlive   Aug 31, 2013

Crimson tears,
Run from my wrist,
My well kept secret,
Held in my fist

Another flick,
And there it goes,
I sit and watch,
As the blood flows

Starting to press harder,
I begin to think,
"This world is cruel!"
I say as the red discolours the sink

I turn my blade,
It's no longer across,
If I were to commit suicide,
No one would suffer any loss

I'm sick of the lies,
Sick of saying I'm alright,
But I have no need to worry,
For I'll end this tonight

I press down deep,
Then pull up hard,
I'll be dead,
By the time it's scarred

I fall to the ground,
I can feel myself becoming weak,
The last thing I felt,
Was the cold floor beneath my cheek


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Latest Comments

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Wow just wow that's dark i'm feeling sad :( still a good piece

  • 11 years ago

    by Erick Neal

    Wow, great at the imagery and rhyme. Amazing descrption of a troubling ordeal. I hope you are not in this situation. Keep up the great work!

  • 11 years ago

    by Fading Memory

    Wow , well writen like it

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Tragedy

    This is so sad kayley, I would miss you. you'd be my loss.

  • 11 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    This is a very sad poem but the emotion is great!

    I loved how you describe the blood as Crimean tears. That is a perfect start. I love how you describe the knife without saying the knife. Held in your hand is no longer a secret and everyone can see your scars now. I love the second stanza it starts the build up or downfall of the person. The imagery you bring here is great. I can see the tool in your hand and the blood flowing and the pain you feel inside. The world really is cruel though so I understand that feeling. You are sad and want to numb the pain somehow so cutting is the only way you know.

    O know that hatred in your heart and pain. It feels like no one cares at all but there is at least one person that cares and it's God! I do like the turning of the blade. You go both ways. All the decribing words you have here are wonderful. The ways you are sad though are great for the poem. It's great that you got your feelings out. The deeper you go it's harder to stay away. All the ways you have painted this is great because the ending is the end. Self harming is a horrible thing to fall for. I understand that people think it's great but its not at all. I hope you are ok. 5/5