
by WritingtheStars   Sep 11, 2013

I thought you were my friends.
I thought you cared,
I thought you'd be there for me.
Obviously, I was mistaken.
You call me annoying and selfish,
when all I do is try to help.
Friends don't insult
their friend's insecurities.
They don't purposefully
leave you out of the group, either.
You guys are the reason I stopped talking,
I stopped hanging out with people.
You ignore me when I try to talk
then ask why I just sit there
or walk away.
Are you simply that clueless
or are you playing dumb?
I can't even tell anymore.
I thought friends cared
when their friends
were hurt or upset.
I guess not.
I guess we're not
as good of friends
as you say we are.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Man that sucks that your friends are like that nobody should be treated that way sorry