Comments : A Lovely Flower, 4,000 Dreams

  • 11 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Behind the sadness in this write, there is a mystery which leaves the reader wondering the
    deeper meaning of this..well penned.

  • 11 years ago

    by Hellon

    This is such a lovely verse and...if it's still available on Monday to vote it in for the weekly contest I will surely do so...

    A one-man band
    has sketched a poetry through his music
    that is inspired by
    the solitude that he has known,
    an orphaned Chrysanthemun,
    and a scene from 18th century


    It's such a lovely opening line but..I'd suggest dropping the 'a 'in line two..also it should be Chrysanthemum.

    He really feels so sorry...
    so he just sends
    his prayers
    through his music.
    With every step

    He, he, his, his..I'm sure you can re-arrange this somewhat?

    This is a very good poem...think it could be better if tightened up a bit?

  • 11 years ago

    by Alanis

    I love this, you incorporated a story as well as a poem. Your vocabulary used here is impressive. You set such an amazing impression with this poem. I love how you said:

    While his music paints a dream,
    it secretly engulfs the dawn-
    leaving black and white hues
    that seem to resemble
    a myriad of tears.

    I absolutely adored this poem to the final details.

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "A one-man band
    has sketched poetry through his music
    that is inspired by
    the solitude that he has known,
    an orphaned Chrysanthemum,
    and a scene from 18th century."

    - I really liked the opening lines.... I found something to be endearing about them. It automatically made me think of August Rush or a young man on corner streets in a foreign country. Beautiful specific about the chrysanthemum, gives him more character as well as the historic feeling, like maybe he hasn't aged so to speak but he feels ancient? Not having lived long but only finding a will to live through music.

    "While his music paints a dream,
    it secretly engulfs the dawn-
    leaving black and white hues
    that seem to resemble
    a myriad of tears."

    - Great wording here! I feel you used these words cleverly, not too many too close together, but with care. It was also simple but "engulf" has strength, especially in concerns to music overpowering nature. The "black and white hues" reminded me of the last line from the first stanza and the simple yet colorless moments he is living through.

    "Memories deliver nostalgia
    while he dives to
    the sea of his erstwhile thoughts.
    A music
    that is supposed
    to be vanished now
    echoes as Persephone sleeps."

    - It's neat how you phrase this, never revealing the true memories that haunt him but expressing that call he hears from those memories, that echo. Definitely leaves the reader wondering how he came to be here.

    "He really feels so sorry...
    so he just sends
    his prayers"

    - In the first two lines, I'm not a big fan of "so" repeating. I tend to use it a lot in conversation, but they are both used too close in content in my opinion.

    "With every step
    she takes
    in becoming a lovely flower,
    he always wants
    to be with her."

    - I keep re-reading this part. First, I thought there were too many pronouns used. Then, I thought the "he always wants to be with her" sounds a bit awkward. Read again, this could just be me but I think it would read more smoothly as this for the second part:

    "he wants to be with
    her more,"

    or "he wants to be nearer".
    Or something like that.

    "She has walked 4,000 steps now
    and he already created
    his four thousandth prayer
    through his music."

    - The tense doesn't sound right to me here. Shouldn't "he already" be "he has already"?

    I like the emphasis of the four thousand here, that number holds significance especially in the fact this last prayer has the utmost importance. His music isn't just noise or sound.

    "He hopes
    she is always happy."

    - I was almost disappointed by the ending.... maybe in the fact it was just two lines and you seemed to be building up with the last few stanzas. Another part, it sounded too brief, short, almost like you were dismissing her.
    Maybe for an added effect you could use "....." to show this is his one hope, desire?

    Good job, please keep writing

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    My favourite from you so far I think!

    Wonderfully written and your imagery is awesome, poet on the piano did a great job in breaking it down so ill just leave it there :)


  • 6 years ago

    by Mortal Utopia

    This is absolutely beautiful!! :)

  • 1 year ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

    This moved me , it's like I'm on the scene...poet on the piano sums up all the greatness of this poem.....what can I say now ?you are an amazing storyteller..
