I heard our old song this morning,
So much love in only a few minutes,
Do you remember when we used to sing it?
Whenever you used to whisper that it was only me.
And here I sit, your number punched into the keypad,
Asking myself if I should really call you up
Only to be blown away by the agony that still
Haunts me.
I don't miss you, and yet I wish I could see you
To know that you're fine.
I miss the way I could go to you with everything,
Day or night;
You never walked away when I needed you.
Why, if I was your girl,
Why was I never enough to fulfill your taste?
Each time you whispered you loved me,
I knew you turned around and said the same to her.
When you left me at home, you took her out,
When you kissed my hand, you kissed her lips,
When you hugged me, you carried her.
Break my heart once, shame on me,
Break my heart twice, shame on you,
Break my heart three times, shame on us both.
You were poison seeping through bleach laced veins,
I was moronic to love you,
My very own grim reaper,
And I wish I was never the last to know.