Joseph, My Brother

by Poet on the Piano   Oct 10, 2013

Tonight, my heart was moved in a way
I hadn't let happen for many days.
Tonight, Mother and I sat side by side
in the pew around seven thirty,
as you offered this mass up
for your elder brother.

You told the congregation he was weak,
living alone, refusing to eat. He had two
children and a wife yet she did not stay.

He passed away yesterday and here,
you stand in the house of God, oceans

Yet in your eyes, I can see a depth no
waters ever touched.
In your eyes are the warmth of living
a full, humble life holding the arms
of another.

You cannot return to your homeland now,
waiting for a green card to be processed,
waiting for the chance to be by his grave
where you parents peacefully rest.
I have never known Uganda as you do
but this is where your family shared
memories with each other, began faith,
love, a history richer than I realize.

And so I speak your brother's name.
First in my mind and heart,
then in a quiet voice.
My thoughts grow louder and more
reverent for this man who meant
the world to you.

Joseph, my brother, you will not be
buried by the passage of time.
We will remember you, and how my
heart aches softly,
as I see the pain in your brother's
alive eyes, your brother who cannot
sleep because his heart is grieving late
until dawn lightens the sky.

Joseph, my brother, please live on.
Let the Lord reveal true sunlight
to those places of the heart we are
struggling with feeling.

Joseph, my brother, how I believe
you are the brother to us all.
For through a thought or prayer,
I hope your soul can be reached
and flowers planted in the garden
the Lord is now tending to.

Written 10/09/13 @ 8:58 PM

Had to write this poem tonight... I was telling my mom writing helps so much to be able to share someone's story. My mom and I went to our church down the road today for evening mass. We have a very humble new priest from Uganda who is such a warm and caring person. He asked us during the mass if we could offer prayers up for his older brother who passed away yesterday. He then told the congregation his brother Joseph had been weak, lived alone, and would not eat. He had been in and out of the hospital for a bit but Fr. got the call on Monday about how serious it was. After mass, we stayed and hugged Fr. and he told us since he's in the process of getting his green card, he cannot leave the country. But when he is able to, he will leave for a week or so. This touched me deeply and made my heart ache. I've never had that experience of not being able to go to my family. His parents have passed away and he does have a few other sisters and brothers, but he also told us how one of his brothers was recently killed by the rebels there. I just wanted to share this. How just in thinking of this person we care about and his brother passing can open your own heart up, even though I never knew his brother.

Also had me imagining how hard it would be because of immigration/customs. To not be able to go directly there when called. He missed the burial but he told my mom and I that he made a call and helped with arrangements, that even though other places were closed that day in Uganda ( don't know where at ), they were able to have a service. Thank you for reading.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Areeba

    I was deeply touched by this beautiful poem :(
    only a poet can do, what you did, my dear
    may his brother's soul rest in peace..
    Beautiful poetry..

  • 11 years ago

    by Abed

    This poem should win!
    MaryAnne, it's so touching, it flows effortlessly, there's beautiful sad music playing at the corner of every stanza.

    What a masterpiece!

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    Oh, how sad. I wouldn't even be able to fathom the kind of sadness that he feels, of having a loved one be sick and not being there to help care for them..and then passing away and not even able to go to his funeral to pay his respects. That would tear me apart. </3

    I'm glad you wrote his story, it needed to be told.. you captured the emotion beautifully..and you can tell that your heart hurt for him. That shows your character, that you care even though you never knew this man. <3

    Lovely piece, may his brother rest in peace and prayers are with his family.

  • 11 years ago

    by L

    Your poem just hit a nail with a hammer straight to my heart.

    May his brother rest in peace.