Comments : Sir

  • 10 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Ohh how I love this poem..... I love the questions and do be honest I feel like any fella with a girl should be asked these questions. Us girls are so vulnerable and so in love with the thought of being in love that we deserve to be treated should be continuously asked if they know they're loved and are they loving their girl in return...sometimes men need that reminding....

    I love the story in this...the softness in your tone, but the jealousy in certain lines....funny how stories like this are not stories at often do we see someone mistreated and get so angry because we know we could treat them so much better....

    Love the repetition in this piece with sir...still shows this level of respect you have even among the jealousy...

    I always enjoy anything you write.

    • 10 years ago

      by Yakari Gabriel

      "Love the repetition in this piece with sir...still shows this level of respect you have even among the jealousy..."

      exactly.... ugh i'm in deep shit chels fml