Red Splattered Obsession.

by HappieMappie   Oct 16, 2013

I adore you
My sacred valentine
But someone else
Captivated your eye

Don't fret
It's certain I'll save you
I refuse to let him touch you
I never leave a clue

Tracking with such caution
No way foreshadow
His distinct fate
My breathing too shallow

Creeping up from behind
Squeezing a broken glass
I pin him down
Constricting a firm clasp

Slitting his throat
The blood gashing like thorns
Crimson roses beam
Too engrossed for his mourns

I gaze at my lovely valentine
See? You're eternally mine
But you're bleeding tears
Why aren't you smiling?


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Lovely words here start to finish loved it