Comments : The Fragile Vase

  • 11 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    I love this poem saffie. I totally get the deeper meaning as well. We all get fragile after we get hurt and thats why you are the vase here. At least your heart is the vase. From all the poems I have read from you it seems like you have been hurt a lot and that saddens me. The metaphor you used is very perfect for this poem I think. Vases hold flowers of course and even though the vase is fragile it can shine with colours again. Just like any heart in a bad situation. Sure it maybe hurt but it can learn to bloom again so to speak.

    We always have that one person in our lives that can heal us or help us heal at least. I love how you talk about them here. Yes it maybe hard to trust someone else but with time the heart will heal and grow again. I love the wording you used. You question them and yourself because you always have to be cautious around people. The ending has a twist that no one can see coming. You broke again and the message is strong. Even though no one can see you it's better no one does because then you can't get hurt at all. Great write though very sad.