by Harry Bryant   Oct 27, 2013

She took the pills and waited for the buzz,
the greatest feeling there ever was,
what did she do before she found the pills,
she found only boredom, misery and ills,
while her children looked on, wondering why,
their mommy would often just sit and cry,
she just wasn't the same anymore,
happy and laughing as she was before,
where oh where was the mommy they knew,
she acts so funny, so different, like somebody new,
then one day it happened, as it often does,
while driving along, she got picked up by the fuzz,
off to the slammer, shackled in chains,
now she knew misery, and she really knew pains,
before the judge, she begged and she pleaded,
just some time with guidance, was all that she needed,
so the judge went along with her devious plan,
she would get her some pills as soon as she can,
off to her meetings, she cheerfully went,
crafty and sly, knowing the rules that she bent,
but those nasty old pills, caught up to her once again,
they were better than whiskey, and faster than gin,
then while driving, the car up ahead suddenly stopped,
she didn't see it, then came the cop,
off to the jail house she went once again,
not even aware of the trouble she's in,
this time she stayed for six months or so,
before the judge finally said she could go,
she made a vow that she really would change,
no booze, no pills, not even champagne,
she tried very hard to be as before,
but things just piled up on her once more,
again she resorted to her trusty pill,
it gave her a buzz, it gave her a thrill,
as she looked back on what she had done,
it might cost her, her husband, her kids, and her home,
only she knows why she went down this path,
could be from heart ache, could even be wrath,
sometimes things smolder, and burn underneath,
then burst into a flame, that only brings grief,
what ever the burden, she carried inside,
what ever it was, it cost her, her pride,
it took her a long time, to think this all through,
to bring her back to the girl that we knew,
she made a decision that she had to out power,
all the bad things right up to this hour,
so with a stiff upper lip, she took up the fight,
to make up for the wrongs, and make them all right,
she struggles and struggles, but her will power is strong,
I hoped and I prayed for her all along,
that with time and patience, she'll be okay,
and with help from her family, no more to stray.

written by Harry Bryant all rights reserved


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  • 11 years ago

    by Angel Tears

    This portrayed the pains of addiction very well, and was nicely written. Thanks for sharing!