by Unknown Nov 5, 2013
category :
Life, society /
She began daydreaming of |
by Britt
Judging comments: |
by Baby Rainbow
She began daydreaming of |
by Redangelwings
First/second- Okay here in my opinion she wants to escape from this person. Because you said tunnel. Iove how you said daydream as well. It means it is her own personal fantasy of learning to live on her own. I also like how you said the he is plucking her feathers. Her heart I think here is the hope and everyday I believe her hope is becoming less and less. I love how you worded this stanza and built it up well. The second stanza made me smile lol. It was the point of the poem I feel. You make this guy out to be the worst person in the world. But I like it. I have never seen the word polluation used before actually so it was refreshing. Polluation is a mixture of things so he is a negative thing in her life. |