Coffee & Cigarettes

by Meme   Nov 11, 2013

Numb were the nights
when I inhaled the memory
of his love, and I knew
he lived within me. He
was right there where
distances failed to keep
lovers apart..

..but love is what kept the
miles in between.

My coffee stained breath
fogged the window where
I waited for his words to
become lines, but they never
arrived and I couldn't lull the
ache that weaved itself
through every inch of me.

I stayed for all the half-written
poems to become complete,
I stayed for the broken rhythm
of my heart to pick up its beat.
But somewhere in life it seems
I misunderstood how it prevails.

Time stays, but we always go!

I dusted the ash tray, he was
no longer here to burn his life.
He was gone with the lingering
aroma of last winter mornings,
and I was left wandering in a
timeless maze.

© Copyright 2013 by: gIrL


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  • 10 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    I seem to be understanding the poem on two levels, the first is that in a nutshell, its early morning and you're waiting for your lover, you have coffee-stained breath and an ashtray etc, you're waiting for him to finish his poem etc, however, and I do stand to be corrected,I also get the message of the "he"being an addiction, cigarettes perhaps...? "I dusted the ashtray, he was no longer here to burn his..."all in all, whichever it is, the poem is stunning :-)

    • 10 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks for the comment!

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    Words can not express how much I love this poem. I've watched this author's work for a long time and it's truly been a joy to watch her expand and grow with her writing. The feels and visuals I get when reading this poem are lovely, such a moving and pretty piece whilst simultaneously being consistently bittersweet throughout.

    "My coffee stained breathe" << should be breath.

    "but love is what kept the
    miles in between"

    Love this, so much truth and feeling conveyed here within so few words: if love is genuine, true and pure there's nothing it can't overcome and this is displayed perfectly here.

    My only nit pick with this is the closing lines, I was hoping and expecting for something stronger, something with a little more oomph. That's not to say I dislike the finale, just that it doesn't seem to be as strong as the rest of the poem which holds together powerfully throughout.

  • 11 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    Okay. This poem is just wow Meme. This poem has such a sad tone overall as your love still remains in your heart. I feel like you feel very alone and now the memories hurt you more then help. Then later you want to write out what you feel but cannot find the words you want to use. I loved the ending as well because I think when we are alone we are all wondering around in a circle of being lost. Or a maze which you said. This poem is a very emotional read as it would hit anyones heart. I hope you win. Wish I could nominate. Well done.

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Sighs... Your poetry always hits home with me... the beauty of this piece is very detailed in each line... love this piece!

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks sweetie :)